With 2FA You Thought You Were Safe
2FA, Hacks, Phishing, Privacy, Security, UncategorizedBack in August 2020, we told you all about 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) and how it improves internet security. With 2FA you thought you were safe.
New Developments
You know the old saying “If you build it, they will come?” It can now…

Hacks, IT Insights, Privacy, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsDo you wonder which program is so insecure that it has been hacked 45 times in the last 3 weeks? Think Chrome.
Google recently announced that 20 new vulnerabilities have been found which brings the total to 45 in the last three weeks. Fifteen…

Can You Hear Me Now?
IT Insights, Mobile Devices, Privacy, SecurityRemember when Verizon used the phrase “Can you hear me now?” They were, of course, referring to their expanding network, but in today’s world, it appears to be more relevant to them hearing you. Why? Verizon enrolled customers into their…