With 2FA You Thought You Were Safe
2FA, Hacks, Phishing, Privacy, Security, UncategorizedBack in August 2020, we told you all about 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) and how it improves internet security. With 2FA you thought you were safe.
New Developments
You know the old saying “If you build it, they will come?” It can now…

Hacks, IT Insights, Privacy, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsDo you wonder which program is so insecure that it has been hacked 45 times in the last 3 weeks? Think Chrome.
Google recently announced that 20 new vulnerabilities have been found which brings the total to 45 in the last three weeks. Fifteen…

Hacks, IT Insights, Passwords, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsWe have all been lectured regarding the risks of using the same password over and over for our data. Corporate data, personal data. With the number of recent data hacks, there is a huge chance your passwords are on the dark web and available…

Windows 11 is Here!
IT Insights, Uncategorized, Windows, Windows 11
If you are interested in upgrading to Windows 11, now may be a good time.Microsoft has issued some instructions for a successful installation, starting with using their Installation Assistant and PC Health Check. To get the link and read more…

If You Didn’t Make This Purchase, Please Call Us
Email, Hacks, Mobile Devices, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsDo you shop online? If so, take notice. Scammers are sending emails that look amazingly like the real thing. One of the clues you want to look for to identify the email as spam is a phrase similar to this: “If you didn’t make this purchase,…

The Demise of the PUA
Hacks, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsSometimes the fix is worse than the problem. This may be one of those situations.
PUA Defined
A PUA is a potentially unwanted application that can clog up your computer causing it to run slowly. That isn’t their worse offense, however. They…

Avoid Security Rule Penalties
IT Insights, Security, Storage, UncategorizedMost everyone has heard of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acct (HIPAA), but unless your company is in the healthcare industry or is considered a covered business entity, you may not know there are two HIPAA rules – the…