
Windows 11 is Here!
IT Insights, Uncategorized, Windows, Windows 11
If you are interested in upgrading to Windows 11, now may be a good time.Microsoft has issued some instructions for a successful installation, starting with using their Installation Assistant and PC Health Check. To get the link and read more…

The Demise of the PUA
Hacks, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsSometimes the fix is worse than the problem. This may be one of those situations.
PUA Defined
A PUA is a potentially unwanted application that can clog up your computer causing it to run slowly. That isn’t their worse offense, however. They…

Windows 11
IT Insights, Security, WindowsAlthough this won’t be a surprise to many people, a new version of Microsoft Windows, Windows 11, is on the horizon. Scheduled tentatively to launch in November of this year, the full announcement will be delivered sometime before then. According…