
With 2FA You Thought You Were Safe
2FA, Hacks, Phishing, Privacy, Security, UncategorizedBack in August 2020, we told you all about 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) and how it improves internet security. With 2FA you thought you were safe.
New Developments
You know the old saying “If you build it, they will come?” It can now…

If You Didn’t Make This Purchase, Please Call Us
Email, Hacks, Mobile Devices, Security, Uncategorized, WindowsDo you shop online? If so, take notice. Scammers are sending emails that look amazingly like the real thing. One of the clues you want to look for to identify the email as spam is a phrase similar to this: “If you didn’t make this purchase,…

Cyber Insurance
Cyber Insurance, IT Insights, Phishing, SecurityYou have secured your data through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), security software, and strong passwords. Your personal and company information is safe, right? In other words, there is no need for Cyber Insurance.
Really? In…

Mobile Device Security
Email, Mobile Devices, Phishing, SecurityMany of our posts have been about IT security, focusing on PCs and laptops. However, with the rapidly changing technology and portability of mobile devices, it is time to focus on mobile device security.
With recent global health events resulting…