Jacksonville I.T. Support
Workforce I.T. of Jacksonville can support your technology needs remotely or onsite on an as-needed basis.
Our Homebase
Workforce I.T. of Jacksonville, LLC
52 Tuscan Way
Suite 202 #245
St Augustine FL 32092
Ways to Contact
Call Our Office: 904.638.8406
Email Our Office: [email protected]
Text: 904.409.1049
For Emergencies: 911

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What is an exploit attack and what types are there
IT Insights, SecurityWhat is an exploit attack and what types are there? An exploit attack refers to a program or code that takes advantage of a security weakness in an application or system. By exploiting a person’s or business’ security weakness, cyber criminals can easily break in and create chaos and steal sensitive information. Exploit attacks are […]
What is Breaching and can it affect your Jacksonville business
IT Insights, SecurityWhat is Breaching and can it affect your Jacksonville business? A cyber security breach occurs when an intruder gains unauthorized access to a business’ or organization’s protected systems and data. It’s the digital equivalent of someone bypassing your home’s security, while a data breach is the equivalent of someone stealing documents from your house after […]
What is Phishing and How it Hurts Businesses Big and Small
IT Insights, Security, UncategorizedPHISHING HAS TURNED EMAILS INTO A VIRTUAL MINEFIELD. Phishing has turned emails into a viral minefield. Emailing has become so ingrained in our daily lives it’s hard to imagine functioning without it, especially if you’re a business owner. While email has been the biggest advancement in communication since the telephone, cyber criminals have used “phishing” […]