Why it’s important to keep your cyber security updated

Jacksonville IT Support WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO KEEP YOUR CYBER SECURITY UPDATED THROUGH JACKSONVILLE IT SUPPORT Being that October is Cyber Security Month, let's talk about cyber security and how Jacksonville IT support can protect you.…

Cyber threats that can bypass basic firewalls

Jacksonville Cyber Security WHAT ARE FIREWALLS? Workforce IT is here to support your Jacksonville cyber security needs. You’ve probably heard of the phrase “firewall.” So what exactly are they? A firewall refers to security measures…

What is an exploit attack and what types are there

What is an exploit attack and what types are there? An exploit attack refers to a program or code that takes advantage of a security weakness in an application or system. By exploiting a person’s or business’ security weakness, cyber criminals…

What is Breaching and can it affect your Jacksonville business

What is Breaching and can it affect your Jacksonville business? A cyber security breach occurs when an intruder gains unauthorized access to a business’ or organization’s protected systems and data. It’s the digital equivalent of someone…

What is Phishing and How it Hurts Businesses Big and Small

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PHISHING HAS TURNED EMAILS INTO A VIRTUAL MINEFIELD. Phishing has turned emails into a viral minefield. Emailing has become so ingrained in our daily lives it’s hard to imagine functioning without it, especially if you’re a business owner.…

How Malware can Wreak Havoc on Your Jacksonville Business

MALWARE HAS BEEN PLAGUING BUSINESSES FOR DECADES Jacksonville Malware, short for “malicious software,” has been plaguing businesses and organizations for decades. And with each passing year, malware becomes more sophisticated and harder…

Types of Ransomware and Why They Are So Dangerous

RANSOMWARE HAS BECOME A NIGHTMARE FOR CYBER SECURITY You’ve probably heard the phrase “ransomware” and have seen used it in headlines. So what exactly is ransomware? It’s just as it sounds—a cyber ransom. A type of malware, aka “malicious…

Differences Between Malware, Adware and Viruses

JACKSONVILLE MALWARE Nothing is more impactful to your business then Malware and it's happening right here in Jacksonville, Florida. Now more than at any point in the history of the Internet, malware and viruses can hurt your business operations.…

SCAM Warning!

Have you received an email like this? If the answer is yes, then you should know two things about how to spot a SCAM email: One is that the email is a SCAM and two your email address and password were involved in a security breach…